
An aggressively simple static site generator

Customizing the theme

Information about the look and feel of the site is stored in $THEME_DIR, which by default is the theme directory in the project root. This directory contains the Pandoc HTML templates for the site:

post.html The main template for post pages. It will usually load in header.html and footer.html as partials.
404.html The template for the site’s 404 page. It will usually load in header.html and footer.html as partials. Note that you need to take care of telling your web server to use this file for 404 responses - pdblog can’t help you with that.
header.html Common HTML for the top of each page. Used to create the index page, and usually the post and 404 pages as well.
footer.html Common HTML for the bottom of each page. Used to create the index page, and usually the post and 404 pages as well.
highlighting.theme KDE-style syntax highlighting color scheme used by Pandoc

$THEME_DIR/includes contains theme-related files (such as CSS or Javascript) that will be copied directly directly into the site root. For example, the default theme includes the file /$THEME_DIR/includes/style.css which is copied to /style.css in the resulting web site.