
An aggressively simple static site generator

Installation and basic usage

So, you want to make a pdblog? It’s very easy!


First, make sure you have pandoc installed and available in your $PATH. Then, the easiest way to get continue is probably to clone the pdblog repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/GordStephen/pdblog.git myblog

From there you can run ./pdblog.sh in the repository root (myblog in the example above) to generate the default site.


The initial lines of the pdblog.sh script define some configuration variables that you will want to change:

SITE_AUTHOR Your name. With the default theme, this shows up in the HTML head for every page.
SITE_URL The URL of your site index. Will be used when generating links on the home page
SITE_TITLE The main title of your site. With the default theme, this shows up in large text at the top of every page
SITE_SUBTITLE A subtitle for your site. With the default theme, this shows up below the main title at the top of every page
SITE_DESCRIPTION A few words describing the site. With the default theme, this shows up in the title tag of the HTML head for every page
SITE_FOOTER Additional text about the site. With the default theme, this shows up at the bottom of every page.

There are also some variables that you can probably leave as-is, at least for now:

POSTS_DIR The directory containing your posts (e.g. Markdown files). Initially set as posts.
ASSETS_DIR The directory containing non-post files (images, documents, etc) to be included in the site. Initially set as assets.
THEME_DIR The directory containing the theme information for your site. Initially set as theme.
OUT_DIR The directory where the complete generated site should be stored. Initially set as out.

While these defaults are probably fine for most users, there may come a point where you want to select different values (for example, to quickly change between themes, or integrate with a particular hosting service).

Writing posts

Posts are stored in $POSTS_DIR. The file name of a post is in the format YYYYMMDD-my post name.md. There are three components to this naming convention:

YYYYMMDD The publication date to associate with the post. This will be displayed and used for sorting in the post listing, and shown at the top of the post itself.
my post name Your post title. Spaces and other special characters are fine to include here, although you may need to quote your filename or escape those characters when referencing the filename in other programs.
md This is a Markdown file. By default, pdblog only processes post files with this extension, although this is easy to change (pandoc supports many formats).

Once you’ve created a file with the appropriate name, go ahead and fill it in with content! Again, by default pdblog expects your posts to be pandoc-flavoured Markdown, but it can be adjusted to accept many other file formats as well.

After you’ve finished writing your post, run ./pdblog.sh again to convert the file and regenerate the index with it included.